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Nutritional Therapist, Gut Health Geek + Embodied Health Transformation Coach 

What you probably don't know about me is that my journey to discovering optimal health started with my own personal health crisis.


That's right! I was once where you are.


We can read as many books as humanly possible and collect certificates and degrees, but nothing will ever give us the depth of knowledge of first-hand experience and the empowered journey from self-sabotage to self-healing and self-love.


I honestly don't believe we can truly be of service or help another create healing pathways to optimal health and ultimate change in their life unless we too have taken a similar journey from illness to optimal health.


I won't go into all the gory details here, but I will tell you that pre-children I considered myself to be relatively fit and healthy. At least on the outside!


I mean I ran an average of 6 kilometres a day, cycled an average of 90klms each week and had a very regular yoga practice.


But I learnt the hard way that health and fitness are far more than skin-deep. 


We can look good on the outside and be short-circuiting on the inside.


Which is exactly what I experienced. 


The very short version of this story goes like this...


Prior to the birth of my first child, I experienced a number of unexplained miscarriages. My doctor at the time cautioned me to stop all forms of exercise until I got past the 13-week mark. Which is exactly what I did.  


We eventually welcomed the most beautiful baby boy into our family and two years later the sweetest baby girl.


I was elated yet chronically exhausted and in a way that I can't even explain now. Yet I chose to ignore it. I also chose to ignore the numerous signs of post-natal depression and my plummeting health. I went into default mode and pushed on.   


That is until I could no longer ignore the signs and - to cut another long story short - was eventually diagnosed with a condition called thyroiditis (aka Hashimoto's).


As much as I didn't want the diagnosis, I was relieved to give it a name and to know that it wasn't in my head. 


Each month I would have another test to see if anything had changed, but no such luck. This continued for almost 10 months before I eventually said enough.


How could anything change when nothing was changing? By this stage, I was consulting with two different doctors and an endocrine specialist, and besides repeated recommendations to take the prescribed medication, none of them offered an alternative solution.


Finally, I chose to reject any further tests and all prescription medication and opted instead to heal my body naturally. 


It was a bold move and I had no idea where to start. I just knew instinctively that with the right tools and the right support, my body knew how to heal itself.


Rather than ignoring the screaming from inside my body any longer, I chose to listen and began my own personal journey toward healing and optimal health. 


Under the advice of a functional health specialist, I removed all gluten, dairy, sugar and processed foods from my diet and within days felt like a new person.  


At that time, the thought of becoming a nutritionist or natural health therapist of any description hadn't even crossed my mind. But when I realised the immense power of whole-body nutrition, gut health and the countless functions the gut and all the body's systems play in supporting our overall health, it was game on. 


And just for the record, I no longer have hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Hashimoto's or chronic fatigue. I no longer experience depression or anxiety and I no longer choose anything that sabotages my health.


I healed my body naturally by healing my gut and optimising my nutrition and by creating habits and lifestyle choices that support optimal health and wellbeing. I chose self-love over self-sabotage.


I started this journey at the age of 37. I'm now 51, and I feel better now than I did when I was 31. 


Since then, I have studied Holistic Health and Nutritional Medicine; and have mentored with some of the best functional health therapists, gut specialists and integrative medicine practitioners in Australia and internationally.


I’m a qualified Nutritionist (but prefer Nutritional Therapist), functional gut geek and embodied health transformation coach.


What I love more than anything else is to empower my clients with the knowledge that their body holds the blueprint for optimal health and wellbeing and it all starts with healing the gut and optimising nutrition.


Give me the opportunity and I'll talk all day about the limitless benefits of optimal health and the power our body has to heal itself when we remove the obstacles and step deep into self-love. 


I have helped countless women (and men) improve digestive issues, balance hormones, optimise their health and embrace the nourishing traditions and healing power of whole foods.


You'll find me in the heart of New South Wales Northern Rivers - in beautiful Byron Bay. A place referred to by many as the health and healing hub of Australia.


But thanks to technology, I am able to connect with clients and help people all over Australia and beyond, heal digestive issues and attain optimal health and wellbeing.


To find out more about working with me, please reach out and book your optimal health discovery call. And let's chat about getting you started on your own health and healing journey.  


Yours in good health,




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