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Citrus Fruits

Liver + Gallbladder Cleanse

The liver is believed to be responsible for more than 400 functions in the body. It not only performs a significant role in removing toxins, it is also responsible for the production of bile and cholesterol metabolism and has a lot of influence over the health of our hormones. In fact, it helps synthesise, break down, convert, metabolise and dispose of hormones. So when the liver and gallbladder become overloaded with gallstones - as a result of poor diet and lifestyle and exposure to various toxins and chemicals - these functions are hindered and liver congestion is inevitable. Which means its natural detoxification and metabolism processes become less effective. Freeing your liver from the burden of gallstones will help improve detoxification pathways, increase metabolic function, and support absorption, excretion and every other process the liver performs.

Note: It's important to note that the information contained in this Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. It is designed for informational purposes only. Should you choose to do this cleanse without first seeking a consultation or seeking medical advice from your medical practitioner, you are doing so at your own risk. If you suspect that you have liver or gallbladder issues, you are advised to first seek medical advice and proper guidance before starting this or any other cleanse or detox programme. 


This cleanse was originally designed by Andreas Moritz, practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology, Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine. It has been designed to help gently and painlessly pass liver or gallstones. It's not to say that all of the stones will be cleared after the first cleanse, but previous successful results indicate that a person following the steps laid out in this cleanse properly, should experience a significant release of liver and gallbladder stone. 


How a Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse alleviates stress

Classic signs of liver congestion can include emotional instability, lack of impulse control or one who angers easily with severe mood swings. This can also be an indication of adrenal fatigue. Cleansing the liver will help relieve burden and assist the organ to do its job in regulating hormones, helping to balance emotions, manage glucose and deal with stress in healthy ways.

I want to start by saying that I have successfully used this cleanse myself and have guided a number of client's through the process. And while information and instructions provided are designed for a self-guided cleanse, I reiterate that this is not medical advice. Packages are available should you require more assistance throughout the cleanse.


According to Andreas Moritz most gallstones form in the liver compared to the few that occur in the gallbladder. Twenty percent of people develop gallstones in their gallbladder, but many more people have gallstones in their liver.


What Are Gallstones Exactly?

Gallstones are not actually stones; they’re hardened deposits of bile or cholesterol that form in your gallbladder. A small organ tucked under your liver. The gallbladder’s main purpose is to store bile produced in the liver, and inject it into your digestive system as needed.


Gallstones commonly form as a result of bile containing too much cholesterol or bilirubin, a chemical produced in the liver. The particles crystalise and eventually form stones. Gallstones can range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as big as a golf ball, according to the Mayo Clinic. You could have only one or multiple.


Most people often don't realise they even have gallstones, as they typically don't cause any alarming symptoms until it's at a stage of needing urgent attention. If a gallstone gets stuck in one of the bile ducts and creates a blockage, it can trigger sudden, sharp pain that can last for up to a few hours. Known as biliary colic, a blocked bile duct can also cause nausea and vomiting and other chronic symptoms.


A healthy digestive system that is functioning optimally requires around 1-litre of bile per day. Anything less starts to cause problems with digestion, waste elimination and detoxification.


But given current diet, lifestyle and environmental implications most people are only producing around 1 cup of bile or less per day.


Many of our health problems today are a consequence of poor liver function and bile insufficiency, including intestinal dysbiosis. The gallbladder and liver cleanse by Andreas Moritz is by far the most intense, yet effective cleanse you can do.


The most intense part of the cleanse happens over a 20-24 hour period, but cleanse

itself requires six days of prior preparation.


How to do the Cleanse:

(6 days of preparation /20-24 hours release + cleansing)



  • 1 litre Apple Juice + Malic Acid Drink (6 serves - 1 litre per day for 6 days)

       - How to make: dissolve 1 level teaspoon of Malic Acid in 1/2 litre of filtered

          water and combine with 1/2 litre organic cold pressed apple juice.


  • NOTE: You can choose to drink 1-litre of freshly squeezed organic apple 

     juice per day. However, I don't recommend this if you have intestinal 

     dysbiosis, FODMAP issues, blood sugar or metabolic issues.​ You can also

     consume fresh apple juice as part of a heavy metal detox green smoothie

     - see recipe for this outlined below)


  • 4 tablespoons Food Grade Epsom Salts dissolved in 3 cups of filtered water


  • NOTE: The Epsom salts help dilate the bile ducts to make it easy for the

              stones to pass and clear out waste. You can purchase Food Grade Epsom 

              Salts in most health stores.


  • 1/2 cup Cold-Pressed Extra-Virgin Olive Oil


  • 3/4 cup Grapefruit Juice (fresh)


  • 2 x 1-litre Mason Jars or Lidded Jars

       - 1 jar to mix the olive oil and grapefruit juice

       - 1 jar to mix the Epsom Salts with water


Preparation Instructions - Days 1-6:


1. Days 1-6: Drink 1-litre of Malic Acid drink (or fresh cold-pressed organic apple juice) daily for 6 days. The malic acid helps softens the gallstones to make passing through the bile ducts & gallbladder easier.


  • NOTE: If you have experienced detoxing or fasting, you may wish to incorporate a gentle detox or fast with the cleanse. However, if you have not previously or regularly experienced detoxing or fasting, it is recommended that you continue to consume healthy, organic, whole food sources during the preparation phase of the flush, on days 1-5. This would include bone broths, proteins, healthy fats such as avocado, macadamia, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, etc., vegetables, salads, fruit, etc. But it is advised to remove any fast and convenient junk foods, gluten, grains, sugar and commercially processed foods from your diet, as well as alcohol, caffeine, soda and energy drinks while you are doing this cleanse.   


2. Day 6: The day of the actual cleanse is the most intense part of the liver and gallbladder cleanse.


  • NOTE: It is HIGHLY IMPORTANT that you follow the instructions precisely. This is not a cleanse designed for your own interpretation.


Day 6 - Day Instructions:


3. On the sixth day of the cleanse, drink the entire 1-litre of Malic Acid drink (or apple juice) in the morning.


  • NOTE: Do not consume any fats or proteins at all today! If you ignore this advice,  it is highly likely that you will experience nausea, stomach aches and evening vomiting during the cleanse.


4. Eat a light breakfast - such as a green smoothie, bone broth or some gluten free buckwheat porridge with fruit.


  • NOTE: Avoid all processed sugar, sweeteners, spices, milk, butter, oils, yogurt, cheese, meat, eggs, nuts, pastries, gluten, cereals, etc.


5. Book a colonic irrigation for around 12.00 noon or as close to midday as possible (make sure you book in advance).


  • NOTE: THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! If you omit this step you will have an unsuccessful or uncomfortable cleanse. 


“… If you cannot clean out the colon, I recommend you don’t do the liver flush. That is how important it is to cleanse the colon before and after each liver flush”. - Andreas Moritz


6. Eat a light and very plain lunch - such as plain steamed vegetables or a light salad with rocket or a fruit salad.


  • NOTE: Make sure you finish lunch by 1:30 pm and DO NOT eat or drink anything past 1:30 (except for water).


Day 6 - Evening Instructions: 


  • NOTE: The evening is when you will start the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse protocol.


7. The timing in which the Epsom salts solution and olive oil + grapefruit mixture is consumed is crucial.


  • NOTE: Sorry to repeat myself, but again, it is IMPORTANT to follow these instructions precisely.


6:00 pm

Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts with 3 cups of filtered water in a large mason jar for a total of 4 servings.

Drink your first portion of Epsom Salts (3/4 cup) at 6.00 pm. You can add in a squeeze of lemon to improve the taste.


8:00 pm

Drink your second serving of Epsom Salts (3/4 cup).


9:45 pm

Make olive oil and room temperature grapefruit mixture by combining 3/4 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice with 1/2 cup of cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil in a large mason jar. Secure the lid and give a shake until mixed.


10:00 pm

- HIGHLY IMPORTANT: Drink the olive oil and grapefruit juice standing up next to your bed. Drink the entire mixture within 5 minutes, then lie down immediately after drinking, flat on your back with pillows propping up your head.


Lie perfectly still for at least 20 minutes before falling asleep. You may feel stones traveling along, but you should feel no pain. The magnesium from the Epsom Salts keeps the bile duct valves relaxed and open.


NOTE: Set your alarm to wake up at 6:00 am the next morning before going to sleep.


Day 7 - Day + Evening Instructions: 


6:00 am

Drink the next 3/4 cup Epsom Salts.


NOTE: You may need to use the bathroom soon after, as it helps to trigger bowel movements. Be sure to look for any gallbladder stones that float. They can range in colour from tan, bright green and dark green.


8:00 am

Drink the last 3/4 cup portion of Epsom Salts.


10:00 am

Eat a couple of pieces of fresh fruit (if hungry) - perhaps some papaya and berries. 


11:00 am

Eat a light morning tea – NO FATS OR PROTEINS – if you are hungry. This could be a bowl of steamed mixed vegetables or salad.  


NOTE: During the morning and afternoon, you can expect to have watery bowel movements with gallbladder stones.


1.00 pm

Eat a light lunch an hour later - NO FATS OR PROTEINS - and the same for dinner. Again, you want this to be something that's easy to digests I suggest steamed vegetables or a salad again. 


Day 8 - Back to normal:


8. On Day 8 you can resume your normal eating. However, I highly recommend if you have gone to all of this trouble to improve your liver and digestive function that you continue to eat only a wholefood diet made up of:


  • Proteins: high quality grass-fed, organic and regeneratively farmed animal protein, wild caught fish and oily fish, eggs and seafood and quality unprocessed plant-based protein sources.

  • Good fats: avocado, avocado oil, eggs, grass-fed butter, ghee, hemp seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, olives, coconut milk products, raw milk,  cheese and yoghurt (from cow, goat, sheep and buffalo, if available to you), kefir, etc.

  • Healthy carbohydrates: leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables + moderate starchy vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato and potato, squash, turnips, etc.), berries and (other fruit in moderation 1 piece daily)

  • Fibre rich foods: (see above) + wholegrains such as fermented, black and wild rice, buckwheat, whole oats, nuts and seeds (all in moderate amounts) 

  • Water: 2 to 3-litres filtered water (daily) + this could include a 1-litre bottle of electrolyte drink: 1-litre filter h20 + juice of 2 limes + 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of high quality Celtic sea salt. I love this one by Salt Of The Earth for its 85 trace minerals. 


Do your best to eliminate:


  • Coffee and caffeine products

  • Alcohol

  • Processed foods including processed meat + sugar

  • Seed oils and highly refined oils

  • Margarine

  • Chemicals, toxins, additives + preservatives


Move your body:


  • Our body's were designed to move and movement not only helps us to stay in shape and look good, it is also essential for digestion, metabolic function + detoxification. And it increases functionality of muscles and joints, strength and tone, and provides us with increased energy, a greater sense of well-being and better sleep.


Lifestyle essentials:


  • Cold showers (helps support digestion and vagus nerve function)

  • Dry body brushing (helps support lymphatic drainage)

  • Meditation (helps support healthy nervous system function, calmness and clarity)

  • Breathwork (supports healthy stress response, balances blood pressure, improves mental well-being and focus, helps manage pain and more)

  • Sleep (8 hours of quality sleep each night is optimal - make sure your room is free from technology, dark and has good airflow and circulation).    


Start here and you're on your way to creating optimal health.


9. On the Monday or Tuesday get a follow up colonic to remove any residue stones left in the colon.


NOTE: Leaving them there can cause toxicity & gut issues.


As mentioned earlier, to cleanse the liver and gallbladder of all the stones it is best to do the cleanse monthly until no more stones are released. This cleanse can be done yearly to keep the liver and gallbladder free of stones.


Liver + Gallstone Cleanse Treatment (Disclaimer)

The information contained in this article is not designed to compensate for medical advice from a registered medical practitioner, but as a recommendation to enhance overall health and vitality. Gallstones are a medical condition and it is imperative that you seek medical advice before starting this or any other cleanse.


If your gallstones don’t cause any symptoms, your doctor may recommend active monitoring to ensure you don’t develop any complications. Gallstone complications can cause inflammation in the gallbladder, resulting in persistent pain, fever and jaundice.


People with health conditions like liver cirrhosis and diabetes are more at risk for complications. If you’re experiencing pain associated with liver or gallbladder complications, please seek medical advice before starting this or any other cleanse.



Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

(This smoothie can be a great addition to your Liver + Gallstone Cleanse as it can help bind some of the heavy metals stored in your liver and intestine and move them out of your colon and your body, where they belong).




  • 1 cup fresh or frozen mango

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen wild blueberries

  • 1 cup coriander

  • 1 small Lebanese cucumber
  • 1 lime, skin + pith removed
  • 1 cup fresh apple juice 

  • 1 tsp barley grass powder

  • 1 tsp chlorella

  • 1 tsp spirulina

  • 1 small handful of dulse flakes

  • Extra liquid optional: water or coconut water or fresh apple juice to blend 



In a high speed blender, blend all ingredients until smooth. If a thinner consistency is desired, add extra liquid.




Picture: This is the largest stone I passed during my

first cleanse, along with about 20 smaller stones. 

Citrus Fruits
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