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Nutrition is not low-fat. It's not low-calorie. It's not vegan, vegetarian, or paleo. And it's certainly not feeling constantly hungry (or hangry) and deprived. It's nourishing your body with a balance of "whole" foods so that your cells are consistently satiated and you feel energised to function daily and live your best life. It's striving for prevention over cure and the attainment of optimal digestion and complete health management.  

What is Nutrition?

What is Nutrition? 


If I relied only on the hours I have committed to studying conventional nutrition to provide me with the answer to this question, I would tell you for the most part nutrition is the foods we eat, the calories in and out and the measured amounts of macro and micronutrients consumed. 


However, proper nutrition is far more encompassing.


You only have to look at the way it affects the overall health and wellbeing of the human body to understand this. Yet, it is still the most grossly ignored and under-utilised ancient health and healing modality in modern medicine. Just take a walk through any westernised medical facility and you will witness this first-hand. 


But in the simplest terms, nutrition is a holistic, whole-bodied approach to health and the sum total of all the processes involved in satiating the human body and supporting homeostasis.


It involves ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation and is responsible for every bodily function and process. It is the catalyst for growth, repair and maintenance. 


What we absorb is pivotal in all human processes and body systems, from the breakdown and absorptive capacity of the digestive system to the efficient and effective functioning of the nervous system. 


But while there is still plenty of misinformation and confusion around proper nutrition - what it is and what it isn’t - there is an opportunity for passionate functional health therapists to properly educate individuals, communities and society on the importance of moving away from misinformed marketing and health advice, towards nourishing traditions and proper whole-body nutrition. 


Then we will have a chance of positively impact the current state of human health, turn a new leaf and relieve the burden on our bulging “health” system. 


I believe if we start by simplifying the message and shining a light on the confusion and misinformation, we will see a greater demand for better information. 


Beyond this, we need to empower individual accountability and echo the message that nutrition is nature's medicine. That there is no fault in her curation. That she didn't create bees to make enzyme-rich honey so that man could then destroy those essential enzymes with excessively high heat. The same must be understood for the enzymes in raw milk, nutrients in unadulterated soil, electrolytes and minerals in unbleached salts. And for the essential amino acids found in the richest sources of protein available to us. 


Nutrition is the wisdom of our ancestors. It is the nourishing tradition used instinctively for generations. Long before television, misled marketing campaigns and biased conflicts of interest.


And even more important is understanding that there are two very distinct types of nutrition and that each feeds the other: 


  1. the nutrition that comes from the foods we eat.

  2. the nutrition that comes from everything we absorb and everything we do.


Everything in our environment has a potential effect - positive or negative - on our health and wellbeing.


So nutrition, therefore, must be a holistic investment in yourself and the most important investment you will ever make.


It’s the ways in which we move our body and the thoughts and relationships we have. It’s the environment and toxins we’re exposed to and absorb. And it’s how we commune with nature and spirit. Our purpose, and our connection to a greater vision. 


It all has an effect - negative or positive - and from its starting point, ripples into every area of our life.


Through the process of functional blood interpretation and combined symptom analysis, I work to determine how your body systems are functioning and your overall nutrition profile. I look at possible causes for digestive issues and consequential nutritional deficiencies, liver and immune dysfunction and potentially overlooked hormone imbalances. And many other possible dysfunctions.


Then I create a tailored, whole-body nutrition protocol to help heal the digestive system and optimise health while supporting all of the body’s systems and guiding you towards embodied health outcomes.


To find out more about nutrition, the process of functional blood analysis and the journey from healing to optimal health, book an optimal health discovery consultation with me today.


I look forward to working with you and helping you discover what your gut’s telling you. 


Yours in good health, ​

J ules

Sliced Avocado
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